Where can I subscribe?
We're not taking new subscriptions at the moment. More on that soon.
Is the magazine still available in the App Store?
Not at the moment. We'll be back soon with our existing six issues, available for stand-alone purchase.
Do you have web subscriptions?
Not yet...
How do I unsubscribe?
Here's the deal: it's not the simplest thing to do, but Apple provides details about how to unsubscribe here.
Unfortunately, our staff cannot cancel your subscription for you. If you have any issues, please email us at support AT thefoghornmagazine DOT com instead of leaving a 1-star review.
Charitable Giving
How can you afford to give away 5% of your net revenue?
How can we not? We feel lucky to have benefited from families, households and schools that emphasized childhood reading and writing. Not everyone is so lucky, and we want to help however we can. Writing should benefit writing. 826LA has built their amazing program around one-on-one attention for ages 6-18 and we think they're changing the world. You can find out more about 826LA here.
Submitting Stories
I'd like to submit a story. How do I do so?
We're not taking new submissions right now. But there's plenty of awesome places to get published, and we know you'll do great.
What if I already submitted?
If you story hasn't been published yet, please consider it a pass. We're not taking new submissions, or considering new stories. Thanks for understanding.